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living on cloud nine.
nanny nanny poo poo.
name: *lily.
DOB: 19mar1986
Age: nope it's not a secret, i just think u can calculate this.

...loves bear-hunting with wongwong!❤


the kettles are whistling!

background from here, layout by seisha at blogskins.

Monday, February 08, 2010 @ 23:38
yawnn supposed to be doing my ACW402 schedule now but my mind keeps going back to that uber cute apple ring from marc by marc jacobs and those adorable bangles from kate spade! now now i don't usually lust for designer accesories but sigh, what am i to do after stumbling upon them?

(: at least lusting is free.

still not dead.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009 @ 13:36
haha i know this lil blog shld be dead. but I think i've nv gotten down to really deleting it simply because i'm lazy to do so and because once in that very long while i do feel like writing something. like now!

again, very random ramblings:
1) just watched lady gaga's bad romance mtv again and it just seems so intriguing no matter how many times i've watched it. the costumes (crystals and latex hmm.) weird alien/bug like dance moves and seriously, i love the clean make up that she has in certain scenes and she looks really beautiful, in a peaceful manner actually.

2) the real reason why i'm writing. COS THE UNRELEASED EXAM RESULTS ARE HAUNTING ME RELENTLESSLY. i have been whining to so many victims that i think i shld just post it out loud. i just had a nightmare about it where i got A B D D D. and my cap dropped from 4.38 to 3.38. omg i nearly died in the nightmare and i remember screaming and prancing round hysterically. i'm such a nerd and a very 'hum' one at it. sigh. i wish they'll release it today cos now i'm going to my x'mas kelong trying to keep my mind off it. N NUS is releasing theirs today which is retarded when we finished so much earlier.

Alright that's about it and 1 last thing which is a happy one (: it has been a year of proposals i must say with my bro, cousin, soo eng and to end with a bang, tauie. there will be at lteast 2 weddings next year to attend (:

tada! random photo taken one day when i tied a high high bun which edmund finds distracting. ok till the next post.

To do with whistling.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008 @ 22:25
gosh i've been so lazy after exams! mmm lazy in the blogging sense but have been trying to exercise a lil here n dere! (: anyways! i still have not blogged bout my kuishinbo feast, which took place BEFORE the exams whoops! haha dat'll come soon (i hope!).

Ok so i'm talking about whistling rite, (Read the title). And today i came across good and bad whistling:

Good Whistling

heard on the news juz know that some radio station in UK plays 10 hrs non-stop bird sounds.. u know like their whistling, chirping and tweeting and THE PEOPLE LOVE IT! hahah i tink it'll be very funny and a lil zzz-inducing but okie true, i think it might be therapeutic and brings us closer to mother nature yada yada. generally this is good whistling, although i believe qiu begs to differ. Like if she is in a yoga class and this station is playing, she'll pack up her yoga mat in extreme speed and run out of the room, overwhelmed with irk and terror. HAHAHAHAHA (:

BAD Whistling

while in a cab today, i met this world phenomenon who i believe is the first man to have a "non-stop-whistling-voice-box" fixed into him. HE CANNOT STOP WHISTLING. FROM BOON LAY TO GOMBAK!!! he was playing this cd of music performed with those flutes and chi orchestra instruments (which could have been therapeutic to some.) and the flute was obviously carrying the tune of the song and he juz kept whistling 3 beats aft the tune!! so i'll hear this outta pitch repetition of something i heard like 4 secs ago. wahhhh i dunno if uncles who yak non-stop's worse, or this is worse. at least the uncles who yak non-stop are funny sometimes, and they're rather in-ur-face kinda disturbance. this is just like a mosquito that kept hovering and u juz cant smack it! this is bad whistling.

-breathes out.. whooosh-

anyways the pool's very nice today cos there were only 2 person swimming and despite my original plan to tan only cos i din zzz well last nite n i felt rather tired today, i plunged into the pool! hoho i'm happy thou i haven swam for so long. ok i'm tired i tink i'll zzz well tonight!

All the best to those still having exams (: the light at the end of the tunnel is near!!!

lunner with qiu!
Thursday, April 03, 2008 @ 12:06
yea finally caught qiu yest aft so long! was so happy to meet her (((: we had lunner (lunch + dinner!) at mos burger and their cheeseburger really rocks hohoho. but qiu was having a problem with her enunciation yesterday! when she was ordering, she had to say " can i have a spi..cy... mos...bur.ger?" the dots represent her pause and difficulty in continuing to pronounce the syllabus. Then when we were talking, she cldn't pronounce Baleno so she spelt it out!!! dunno wat happened to poor qiu.. tsk tsk.. but nvm it made me laugh hahahah.

i've a fren named wan qiu who's very shy and tall. this is a dress for me and a top for her -_-

oh!!! and she's such a darling hee i got my bday present! it was A4 size and i was wondering if it was a soft toy cos it felt quite hard n structured. Then she said, "lil i think u better open it at home." but hohoho i was too curious sooooo i started opening (note the word "started"). After five mins i'm still not done because!

Layers of newspapers.

SHE USED AN ENTIRE STRAITS TIME TO WRAP UP MY PRESENT WHICH WAS ACT PALM SIZE! (can you hear the trees crying for their dead-tree-paper-friends?? do you dream of trees @ nite??) but hahaha i thought it was quite funny she prolly spent like @ least 10 minutes to wrap the present and i kept tearing and laughing hahahha only she will do this @ 22 (: alas! i saw a green plastic bag with a very nice n simple river island white tank and a pair of vintagey looking ear studs! -hugs- thank you darling, shall post pic when i wear it hohoho.

can you see the aura coming out from her?
(actually "Flash" is working as a waiter there)

doubtful & amused.

on a seperate note, i saw a v weird girl yest who painted her nails and along with half her finger and it was in blue-green! super distracting when i was on the bus and saw her scratching her head or playing with her hair cos i just see those weird fingers flattering in the air. Equally distracted were the aunty and uncle beside me. hmm if that's a new fashion trend, i don't think i'll ever catch it on, not to my liking sorry!

come on lil you can finish that 3000 words today and start on ur 70% assignment!

(determined! -x-)

jerry's & my birthday treat!
@ 00:29

okie this is like an update of my birthday weekend and celebration with wongwong! (:

2 weeks ago:

on friday night, we had dinner @ jerry's @ jalan kayu as a a sorta farewell dinner for baby's bro. the food wasn't as good as expected but the deep-fried mushrooms were v yummy! we brought the camera wanting to take pix of the food but hoho when the food arrived all's forgotten!

e menu @ jerry's! (looks yummy but kinda disappointing! :/ )

while waiting for our food!

my fave thing to do.

On sat afternoon, we set off for the highlight of the weekend, our italian buffet @ RISTORANTE BOLOGNA!

before setting off!

bimbotic 'huh?' -twirls hair-

bimbotic "heh!" - twirls hair-

on our way!!!!

yay and soon we reached! hungry hungry all the way! it's an ala carte buffet for the
antipasti and the desserts with one main course! i would say it's a fine dining experience because it's really about the quality of the food, the assigned waiter to our table only brings small portion of food each time, we need to wait quite a while for these small portions of food and the taste of these food are pretty acquired. AND I WAS SO HUNGRY!

but! it's such a beautiful saturday afternoon (: only us in the restaurant and all's nice. i told wongwong, he can bluff me and say he booked the entire restaurant cos i wld have believed him whahaha.

wongwong mwa!

the waterwall outside the restaurant.

wongwong and the bread rolls!

the bread rolls: ciabatta & multi-grain-nut bread (and that lil dish of green thing's pine nuts with garlic oil and herbs: i like it! goes well w the bread i kept eating the bread hahaha.)

While we're eating our bread, our appetizers are being prepared and it took quite some time to prepare . and the first set of 3:

parma ham, white beans tossed with prawns in olive oil, another ham.

the white beans taste quite ok act while the hams were pretty different in texture from the ham we normally eat! not really stuff we like till we wanna repeat orders! and then, the 2nd set of 3s:

calamari, smoked tuna, corn-cake.

looks more appealing to me yummy!

i like the calamari and the smoked tuna's pretty nice but the corn-cake's...

baby bluffing. (corn-cake ain't our thang.)

hoho this set of 3's yummier than the first and we repeated the calamari and the smoked tuna! n eee i dun like the corn cake! thot it'll be sweet like bengawan solo's corn-kueh but it's savoury and i dun really like the taste :| and wongwong doesn't too but he just thinks we shld appreciate food of other cultures! anyways aft eating somemore antipasti, it's time for pasta! and we waited...

ooomph... peace..

after waitin for a while... zou huo ru mo!

and hooray! here comes our main course!
mine first:

handmade angel-hair like pasta with lamb rag-out.

looks v delicious!

baby wanted their famous squid ink pasta at first but the kitchen does not have enough of it so he ordered the dinner special, a
ravioli with cheese filling! my pasta came first and it was a pretty big portion! den came baby's pasta and i started laughing cos baby v poor thing!

ravioli with cheese filling.

how can that fill my baby up????

only have 5 of the ravioli and i knew my appetite-big-as-black hole baby wont be filled! so does he.. so poor thing!

me attacking the pasta taste even more amazing than it looks! i dun even care about my fat cheeks and peeping ear! attack!!!

oh no! it's gone so quickly!

anyways i cldn't finish my pasta cos i wanted to have some room for dessert! so yay wongwong helped me finish it (: and he's happy to do so, right baby?

and after resting enough we started on our desserts which are so divine!!! super good spread of desserts and almost every item is rich and nice! the cakes are all moist and rich and the haagan-daz ice cream sent me to the moons!

sweet treats!
(i like moist tiramisu i realized while baby likes the dryer classic version in the cake form below!)


mmm baby's artistic shot of me behind the blue glass. (he's so cute.)

and a few good rounds of ice-cream whacking, we're ready to go home with our very full tummies!!! wat a meal :D thank you darling, u are the best!!!

i love you wongwong!

my day.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008 @ 23:06
A few days ago, hans revealed the secret for her strong stomach which is always the last to be upset, while the rest of her frens who ate the same spoilt/dirty food are already weak in the legs from their trips to the loo.

How to get a tummy of steel:
forget the 3 second rule. It's ok to eat food which landed on the table. Even ice cream on the floor can be rescued, just rinse it under running water for a few secs. Helps to build up ur immunity and give u THE tummy of steel.

I give her the "Fren-with-the-Strongest-Tummy" award.

So awesome rite?

anyways today. (hence the title, act only the 2 photos below are from today hahaha oops.)

hans n i showing our sorrow in doing the assignments..

hans n i picturing our happiness when the exams are over...

and hoho completely no link but (: this is last week when..

baby & i are on our way to celebrate my birthday with an Italian buffet @ Ristorante Bologna. sucha cute smile (:

feel so happy whenever i think of him. (:

ALritey back to the art essay!

my best effort to stay positive!
@ 00:06
OMG! it's 1 month.. oh no 3 WEEKS to the exam! how can i be on cloud 9 now!??

but cheers, this blog's still alive! hoho (:

Tuesday, December 11, 2007 @ 23:09
yup yup been really long since i update(as always haha.) anyways, so exams are over, it's been raining non-stop and i really prefer the sun! do not know what to expect for my exams not getting a very good feeling, especially when i just collected my art stuff today and the comments made by the teacher juz kinda made my heart sank ): but i decided not to think bout it till the results themselves are out and i shall not think bout the results even when they're out too and just look ahead and try and do better next sem! (: optimism is good for me!

but one thing which i find kinda hard to be optimistic about's prolly jingles. Age has really caught up with her i guess.. watching her fur drop, her breathing so hard, her tummy and paw swell and now even her neck, is really painful. but despite the pain and discomfort she's going through she's still eating happily and active but the way her body is has reached the time for us to decide what to do with her, whether to ease her pain and let her go, or give her a shot at surgery where even though it is dangerous and she has a high chance of going, it is after we have really tried our best that she is leaving us. sigh. i'm so gonna miss jingles.

Anyways! last week was mummy's birthday! (: ooh hoo and we had a nice celebration at this chinese restaurant along novena road. haha and it was really funny when the waitress brought out the cake and palced it on the table cos a birthday song started playing suddenly and it's not like those blast the entire restaurant kinda playing, only at our table. So i thought it was my bro playing it on his hp but it turns out to be the knife that the restaurant provided! press a button and the song plays wahahha made me laugh my butt off innovation these days!

the birthday girl cutting her cake!
(yummy yummy carrot cake from cedele!)

mummy and daddy (:

shan & kor.

baby and me.

and the family shot!

and... the day after, my sweetest baby gave me a surprise for our 19th mth anniversary @ the Brazilian restaurant at 6th ave! ((((: told me that his mum is giving us a treat and even until we reached the place it still took me a while to realise the surprise! love love love him ((((:

-happy sigh- it's nice to type along and juz feel happier at the end of the post! (: okie enjoy ur holidays pple!